I am a PhD Candidate at the Complexity Science Hub since May 2024 and joined the project on migration to investigate their dynamics and impact on societies, economies, and individuals..
My current research interest lies in the dynamics of migration flow to a country and within the receiving country.
I hold a bachelor’s and master’s degree in European Economic Science from the University of Bamberg. My bachelor’s thesis is centered around the heterogeneity of goods and the impact of asymmetric information on market structures. In my master’s program I focused on agent-based modelling and interdependency of economic agents with my thesis employing a homophilic network structure to tax evasion dynamics. During my studies I assisted Jan Schulz-Gebhard and Daniel Mayerhoffer in their project on social comparisons and inequality perception in homophilic networks.
In addition to my academic experience, I have a working background in policy advocacy at a European level in Brussels, in IT project management, and finance.