Internal migration visualization for Low- and Middle-Income Countries

This interactive map visualizes sex-disaggregated internal migration flows at the subnational level within low- and middle-income countries between the 2005-2010 period. The data is sourced from a collaboration between WorldPop, Flowminder, and the Asian Demographic Research Institute (ADRI). The methodology follows the approach described by Ceaușu et al. (2019).

Navigate the 3D map with ease: Use left-click to rotate, right-click to pan, and scroll to zoom in and out. Explore migration flows from every angle!

  • Each arrow indicates movement from one subnational unit to another.
  • The origin of migration is marked in red, and the destination in green.
  • The tooltip provides detailed information, displaying the migration flow from a subnational region of origin to a subnational region of destination in that country.
  • The number of males migrating and females migrating between these locations is also provided.

Credits & References

Silvia Ceaușu, Dorothea Woods, Chigozie E. Utazi, Guy J. Abel, Xavier Vollenweider, Andrew J. Tatem, Alessandro Sorichetta (2019). Mapping gender-disaggregated migration movements at subnational scales in and between low- and middle-income countries – Funded by the Swiss Confederation, represented by the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA), Peace and Human Rights Division.

Visualization created using Pydeck, an open-source library for interactive geospatial visualizations.